Windows 7, 8.1, 10, 11 All In One Oktober 2022!!

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Windows 7, 8.1, 10, 11 All In One (AIO) x64 adalah paket instalasi Windows yang paling lengkap, kami berbagi pada akhir tahun 2021. Bagi Anda yang sedang mencari Windows 7, 8.1, 10, 11 AIO Super Lengkap, Windows AIO pilihan tepat buat Anda. Pada Windows All In One ini, sudah termasuk Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows 11 untuk 64-bit dan 32-bit dalam satu paket ISO. Dengan men-download Windows AIO ini, Anda akan mendapatkan semua versi Windows yang ada saat ini.

Selain mendapatkan semua paket Windows yang ada, Windows Super AIO juga telah terintegrasi dengan Patche terbaru dari Microsoft sampai update Juli 2021. Penasaran sob dengan versi Windows Super AIO? Silahkan lihat daftar di bawah ini sob.

Windows 7 8.1 10 MenuDaftar edisi windows yang tersedia untuk instalasi:

  1. Windows 7 ENTERPRISEN x86
  2. Windows 7 ENTERPRISE x86
  3. Windows 7 STARTERN x86
  4. Windows 7 HOMEBASICN x86
  5. Windows 7 HOMEPREMIUMN x86
  6. Windows 7 PROFESSIONALN x86
  7. Windows 7 ULTIMATEN x86
  8. Windows 7 STARTER x86
  9. Windows 7 HOMEBASIC x86
  10. Windows 7 HOMEPREMIUM x86
  11. Windows 7 PROFESSIONAL x86
  12. Windows 7 ULTIMATE x86
  13. Windows 7 ENTERPRISEN x64
  14. Windows 7 ENTERPRISE x64
  15. Windows 7 HOMEBASICN x64
  16. Windows 7 HOMEPREMIUMN x64
  17. Windows 7 PROFESSIONALN x64
  18. Windows 7 ULTIMATEN x64
  19. Windows 7 HOMEBASIC x64
  20. Windows 7 HOMEPREMIUM x64
  21. Windows 7 PROFESSIONAL x64
  22. Windows 7 ULTIMATE x64
  23. Windows 8.1 Enterprise N x86
  24. Windows 8.1 Enterprise x86
  25. Windows 8.1 Pro N x86
  26. Windows 8.1 N x86
  27. Windows 8.1 Pro x86
  28. Windows 8.1 x86
  29. Windows 8.1 Single Language x86
  30. Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise x86
  31. Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro x86
  32. Windows 8.1 Enterprise N x64
  33. Windows 8.1 Enterprise x64
  34. Windows 8.1 Pro N x64
  35. Windows 8.1 N x64
  36. Windows 8.1 Pro x64
  37. Windows 8.1 x64
  38. Windows 8.1 Single Language x64
  39. Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Enterprise x64
  40. Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro x64
  41. Windows 10 Enterprise x64
  42. Windows 10 Enterprise N x64
  43. Windows 10 Home x86
  44. Windows 10 Home N x86
  45. Windows 10 Home Single Language x86
  46. Windows 10 Education x86
  47. Windows 10 Education N x86
  48. Windows 10 Pro x86
  49. Windows 10 Pro N x86
  50. Windows 10 Pro Education x86
  51. Windows 10 Pro Education N x86
  52. Windows 10 Pro for Workstations x86
  53. Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations x86
  54. Windows 10 Home x64
  55. Windows 10 Home N x64
  56. Windows 10 Home Single Language x64
  57. Windows 10 Education x64
  58. Windows 10 Education N x64
  59. Windows 10 Pro x64
  60. Windows 10 Pro N x64
  61. Windows 10 Pro Education x64
  62. Windows 10 Pro Education N x64
  63. Windows 10 Pro for Workstations x64
  64. Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations x64
  65. Windows 11 Home x64
  66. Windows 11 Home N x64
  67. Windows 11 Pro x64
  68. Windows 11 Pro N x64
  69. Windows 11 Team x64
  70. Windows 11 Home Single Language x64
  71. Windows 11 Cloud x64
  72. Windows 11 Cloud N x64
  73. Windows 11 Pro Education x64
  74. Windows 11 Pro Education N x64
  75. Windows 11 Pro for Workstations x64
  76. Windows 11 Pro N for Workstations x64
  77. Windows 11 Pro Single Language x64
  78. Windows 11 Education x64
  79. Windows 11 Education N x64
  80. Windows 11 Enterprise x64
  81. Windows 11 Enterprise N x64
  82. Windows 11 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops x64
  83. Windows 11 IoT Enterprise x64

Nah udah liat list windowsnya? sangat lengkap kan? silahkan dicoba Windows 7, 8.1, 10 All In One untuk melengkapi koleksi sistem operasi sobat 🙂



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Windows 7, 8.1, 10, 11 All In One Oktober 2022!!

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